Saturday, 12 September 2009

Souls have eyes too

what you see through the eyes nourishes the soul, Eyes are the window to spirituality and mind. You read, hear and speak, those words accordingly nourish your mind and soul and influence your behavior. For instance like Bitterness that is negative energy it grows inside you like cancer. It eats upon the host, similarly anger is like fire. It burns it all clean. Words, action and thoughts all three have different reaction to the body, mind and soul. The Blind does not have the eyes to see, and the deaf has no ears to hear, the aura and energy around them acts as a membrane of positivity and negativity, and accordingly they react............Khalil Gibran says "I love you when you bow in the mosque, kneel in your temple and pray in the church", he forgot to mention one thing that we bow, kneel and pray in the house of God, to thank Him for the graces and ask for our daily sustenance. You are what you eat by means of food, words, action and thoughts...your mind, body and soul all, eat what your eyes choose to thrive on. Therefore what I emphasis on, is choose right type of food that can nourish for all three aspects of your mind, body and soul. all food rules the mind.

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