Monday, 19 October 2009
Dream is the language of the subconscious mind. It is the expression of your body, mind and spirit. Every dream signifies something of your real life emotions.........some are prophetic dreams and some are related with your life. The bible says "God spoke to his people in dreams"like Jacobs ladder"but does He speak to us in the same manner now?-well perhaps YES, its how we understand the language and interpret our dream signs. Understanding your dream signs is the key....they all mean something of your emotional side, even they are giving you some guidance, or warn you perhaps help you make important decisions. Cleopatra dreamt that Cesar should not go to "The Sennett" because she saw bad signs in her dream. She understood the language and signs of her dream and warned her husband for not to attend the Sennett. Some times you dream for your loved ones too, even if they are no more in this world. I always dream of my late mother and when ever I dream of her I take the signs and realise that her coming into my dream is indicating my domestic situation good or bad. Another example of my life's experience is once when I was on a cross road and could not make up my mind what decision I should make, so that night I prayed to God to help me with my decision making..i know you all will think this is funny but that night I dreams and got the signs in my dream and next morning when I woke up I did what I felt God meant me to do, there you are I got the guidance and proceeded with my decision. Remember no one can be better judge of your dreams than you yourself. There are people who understand the language and signs of the dream. One thing that I would like to warn everyone is not to reveal your dream to anyone except to the one you can trust. When Joseph in the colorful coat had a dream that all the planets and constellation are bending in a line in front of him.......he spoke to his father of his dream.immediately his father knew that his son is going to be someone big in high rank. he told his son not to speak of his dream to anyone before they throw an evil spell on him. The son did as he was told and few years later Joseph became the minister of Egypt and did dream interpretation for Pharaohs...for more topic on dream write to me and I shall tell you more.
Thursday, 15 October 2009
'How can I stand up to bullies AND exert a little more control in situations that are important to me? This is not unusual.........we all go through this all the time until we fix it ourselves by saying to ourselves "enough is enough' and become more able to resist the pressure and dominance of excessively dominant people. The fact is that most excessively dominant people are usually bullies. Bullies are deep-down very insecure people. The bully gets his or her own way. They dominate because they are too insecure to allow other people to have responsibility and influence, over them, like FEUDALISM one of our sociological problem. It is not a natural behaviour for those who are not naturally assertive TO SUPPRESS those who tend to be passive by nature. The assertive behaviour of highly dominant people ( bully's) tends to be driven by their personality, they have severe problem of insecurity. It is not something that they have been 'trained' but circumstances compell them to satisfying their ego and selfishness that drives them to get their own way.... to control, to achieve status, to manipulate, make decisions, build empires, to collect material signs of achievement, monetary wealth, and particularly to establish protective mechanisms, such as 'yes-men' followers. Immunity from challenge and interference, scrutiny, judgement, etc such conditions make them into becoming over dominating. They are not nice people because a 'Good person" does not 'dominate' non-assertive people. They always include others and involve them in doing what they do. Dominance as a style is not good in any circumstances, it fails completely to make effective use of team-members' abilities and their potential weak. ( putting their esteem down)
The key to break this is not really so hard, just use simple techniques that can even be quite enjoyable and fulfilling such as......... don't be fooled into thinking that you always have to be more assertive, you can be non-assertive and that is normal. Just understand where you want to be in life.: what level of assertiveness do you want for yourself? whether to defend yourself or to control your own choices and destiny, and not to control others. Feel sympathy for bullies - they actually need it. build your reading inspirational things that reinforce your faith and proper values in your own natural not speak unless you ensure that you know all the facts in advance.... Anticipate other people's behaviour and prepare your own smart in doing that.....use good questions to expose flaws in other people's arguments or else do not say anything sit quietly. .. Find out what your strengths and style are and use them to defend and support your position....have faith in your ability and see how it works to your advantage. .
The key to break this is not really so hard, just use simple techniques that can even be quite enjoyable and fulfilling such as......... don't be fooled into thinking that you always have to be more assertive, you can be non-assertive and that is normal. Just understand where you want to be in life.: what level of assertiveness do you want for yourself? whether to defend yourself or to control your own choices and destiny, and not to control others. Feel sympathy for bullies - they actually need it. build your reading inspirational things that reinforce your faith and proper values in your own natural not speak unless you ensure that you know all the facts in advance.... Anticipate other people's behaviour and prepare your own smart in doing that.....use good questions to expose flaws in other people's arguments or else do not say anything sit quietly. .. Find out what your strengths and style are and use them to defend and support your position....have faith in your ability and see how it works to your advantage. .
Wednesday, 14 October 2009
Opportunities to do good are usually disguised as hard thing to do, so most people don't recognize them just give a blind eye and a deaf ear. Every oppertunity is like single grain, one by one when put together it becomes a handful of blessings. The best preparation for good deed is to intend. Tomorrow is too late, you should do good work today, Great ideas originate in the muscles, don't forget that good deeds spotlights the character of the person: some people open up their close fist, and some turn their backs, abaove all some don't open their eyes at all to pick the chance to gain the bonus point. It's a shame that the only thing a man can do for 17 hours a day is to think of themselves . He can't eat for hours; he can't drink for hours; he can't make love for eight hours, but he can do for eight second is do a good deed by thought, action, and words.
Tuesday, 13 October 2009
For behind all imperialism is ultimately the imperialistic individual, just as behind all peace is ultimately the peaceful individual. learn to make peace with everyone.................see the progress. Those who are at war( (revenge, hurt, pain, anger and unforgiving) with others are not at peace with themselves and forget that they belong to each other. Ours should be a peaceful partnership in ups and downs, thick and narrow path. Every project we undertake should be like we consummate a marriage, that is based on faith, trust and confidentiality. Nobody can bring you down but you yourself, so making-up and be friends with all mankind,this is the wisest policy, and I wish we may be permitted to pursue it in peaceful way. Just smile and see how it takes away all wars and brings positive light and give you liberty and tranquillity. Who knows our journey to success is of a thousand miles and each step must be taken with courage, go one step at a time. Yes, we love success, who does not, its the opium of hi and lo...... but we are not willing to take hardship it takes to reach there. Always bear in mind that your own resolution to succeed is more important than any other. Defeat is not the worst of failures. Not to have tried to succeed in what you do, is the true failure. You lay a firm foundation to succeed, no matter if others have to throw bricks at you. I have seen people Developing success from their failures, even though, everyone has discouraged them and said they were a failure. Basically they were being negative and those who took it positively fought back and proveed them wrong and succeeded. The key to this was to be just focused, and do what you love and believe in, success came naturally. Fame and success are two different aspect do not confuse them. Just as Madonna is one; Helen Keller is the other. If I know the key to success, it is by not trying to please everybody. - Just practise to rise early, work hard, your lip zipped and strike...... basic Formula for success:
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