Tuesday, 22 September 2009

Why we Love and Lust

I was asked by a friend why do we love? are we created that way? or is it because the neurons in our body thrives on love? Ever since we are born we need love and hence never grow out of it.But science looks at it with different view. They consider this feeling of love as a desire that is abstract, emoting emotions from within us. As we have different parts of our body, so do we have different emotions sparked by various types of hormones that influence the system of our mind, feelings, senses and moods, giving different signal to different parts in our body.

From birth we grow to be loved, and as we grow older and change, so does the need and desire for love. Each different part of our body, Mind(brain) and soul has different desire and age span. This change in men is different from women, therefore its shakes up our long embedded beliefs, that men and women are same. Men certainly don't think or act like women, nor do they match their strong physical strength with women. Perhaps more crucial is the neurons, which like all cells in the brain deteriorates and looses its efficiency.
why we love.... Love is an abstract feeling that Sparks up by errant hormones as it rises, then it slows down with time and age, for some its dies off its natural death, some are strangled to death and some are stolen away. These Sparks elements are two characters hormones like, "testosterone" found more in high or low level in men and "estrogen" in women. These two hormones directs our decisions to love and Lust, the contact, touch and lust for sex.

While spiritual research to this is quite different, some one very well quoted that....."A man reserves his true and deepest love not for the species of woman in whose company he finds himself sexually electrified and en kindled, but for the one, in whose company he may feel tenderly drowsy and healed. All religious preachings carry the same message, that love is but a compassion and forgiveness, and they should be a part of our daily food for our lives. I was reading a life of Buddha where he says........'Better than a thousand hollow words, is one word of Love that brings peace".

As for our body or physical needs, we want or desire beautiful clothes, luxury items and mouth watering food, similarly for the need of our souls, we need love. Both elements like Love and compassion are necessities, not luxuries. Without them this planet cannot survive. we need love and compassion as our soul food for eternity. Christ said "Love thy neighbour as thyself"
And I say, A loving soul is the beginning of all happiness and joy.

Sunday, 20 September 2009

Eid-Ul-Fitr 20-09-09

Eid-ul-Fitr- 20.09.09 (today is my moms birthday, she must be celebrating with Allah and His angels.Blessings of Allah be upon her, Ameen.)

Ramadan the entier month of positive energy, it is believed that holy book Quran was revealed to prophet Muhammad during this month. It is believed that during this month the gates of hell ( negativity) are closed and the gates of heaven ( positivity) are open.Last day of ramadaan went to break my fast at friends place lots of good food great people around must positive energy surrounded me, I felt energetic and positive about everyone in the room, chating away some giving good advice, some telling great episode of their life experiancec and young girls in their teen about to enter the world of adulthood observing everyone in the social scene. Hope they absorbed everything good and positive what they could get. We all waited for the announcement from the mosque, that the crescent moon is sighted, and it is Eid its now the time for celebrations and the Ramadan month has ended.
so much positive energy to spread happiness, love, and triumph throughout, creating enthusiasm among all the family members and friends. Preparing what to wear as new clothes and go for special thankgiving prayers to Allah by reciting various prayers (Positive chants) greeting each other by text sms and wishing Eid Mubarak. Happybirthday to my mother and eid mubark to you all.

Wednesday, 16 September 2009


The holy month for all Muslims, I call it the month of detoxification of body, mind and soul. Fast from dawn to dusk to detox your body from food and drinks, alcoholism, smoking, even water for 30 days. Simultaneously you detox yourself spiritually by not indulging into gambling, gossiping, refrain from anything evil in thoughts, words and action. As the day goes along remembering God (Allah) almighty the creator to look upon us with His mercy and forgiveness for better life in this world and after. Fasting is tough, but opens up our mind to know how much we take everything around us for granted. We eat, speak and act as we desire whether it is right for our mind, body and soul. You give up going to clubs, and bars for the entire month, the whole idea of dressing sense change, you start to dress modestly and patiently wait until dusk to put the right food into our body. The desires for favourite food fill the mind and signals the empty stomach that starts to make various sounds, each moment gets harder and harder, the real test of patience. Whether I am enjoying Ramadan the answer is 'Yes" I love the change and shock myself from monotony......It does take my mind to God and connects you to the unknown which is the ultimate answer.

Sunday, 13 September 2009


Nature is our true teacher. The body throws out all that is not good for its survival. Our souls react the same way, It reacts to the negativity we create around us.......and this shows through our eyes. When God created Adam He put His spirit in his body, Spirit of God abides in Human body, that means Our bodies are the temple in which Gods spirit lives, until its time. We are the caretaker of this temple, we can not put anything negative in this temple. the temple needs to be kept pure and clean. Our eyes are its window, though which we reflect the state of the temple. I feel sorry for those ignorants who misuse the importance of this body and presence of Gods spirit within this temple. Don't go searching for God from one end of the world to the other corner of the world.........he is within us 24/7, he does not slumber, nor shuts the doors on us. He is constantly guarding us against any harm, nothing can enter or exit from us without His knowledge and permission. Praise to God for His mercy and Almighty powers over all things. Like all good things of the world we love to possess, we should possess the goodness by our actions to feed our souls.

Saturday, 12 September 2009

Souls have eyes too

what you see through the eyes nourishes the soul, Eyes are the window to spirituality and mind. You read, hear and speak, those words accordingly nourish your mind and soul and influence your behavior. For instance like Bitterness that is negative energy it grows inside you like cancer. It eats upon the host, similarly anger is like fire. It burns it all clean. Words, action and thoughts all three have different reaction to the body, mind and soul. The Blind does not have the eyes to see, and the deaf has no ears to hear, the aura and energy around them acts as a membrane of positivity and negativity, and accordingly they react............Khalil Gibran says "I love you when you bow in the mosque, kneel in your temple and pray in the church", he forgot to mention one thing that we bow, kneel and pray in the house of God, to thank Him for the graces and ask for our daily sustenance. You are what you eat by means of food, words, action and thoughts...your mind, body and soul all, eat what your eyes choose to thrive on. Therefore what I emphasis on, is choose right type of food that can nourish for all three aspects of your mind, body and soul. all food rules the mind.


food for soul-we eat what looks good to our eyes, but the soul does not think that way, it needs spiritual nourishment for its growth. It sees through shut eyes and can sense what is nourishing for the growth.