Sunday, 13 September 2009


Nature is our true teacher. The body throws out all that is not good for its survival. Our souls react the same way, It reacts to the negativity we create around us.......and this shows through our eyes. When God created Adam He put His spirit in his body, Spirit of God abides in Human body, that means Our bodies are the temple in which Gods spirit lives, until its time. We are the caretaker of this temple, we can not put anything negative in this temple. the temple needs to be kept pure and clean. Our eyes are its window, though which we reflect the state of the temple. I feel sorry for those ignorants who misuse the importance of this body and presence of Gods spirit within this temple. Don't go searching for God from one end of the world to the other corner of the world.........he is within us 24/7, he does not slumber, nor shuts the doors on us. He is constantly guarding us against any harm, nothing can enter or exit from us without His knowledge and permission. Praise to God for His mercy and Almighty powers over all things. Like all good things of the world we love to possess, we should possess the goodness by our actions to feed our souls.

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