Tuesday, 19 January 2010


Every thing around us is energy. In this Universe there is a constant state of movement and that is made of energy. All forms of energy are consistently vibrating at different rates. Our thoughts are also made of energy. Positive thoughts that bring positive emotions, vibrate at a higher rate than negative thoughts. The outside world’s influence will not affect us, if we can have a control of our inner world. This is done with method, by Making the right choice,or lets say by being positive. Having a positive attitude, is like putting on a protective shield or having a good aura around us. Let me explain, when ever we think positively, we attract more positive things into our lives. The more we do this; we start to form a positive aura around us. This aura invites the positivity in, and keeps the negativity out.
I try this by starting my day by saying, “This is going to be a great fun, I’m going to be happy doing this, everything will start to go my way!” By doing this I have set my own terms for the day. This will allow us to control our circumstances, instead of being controlled by them.

people with religious faith practice this by saying morning prayers of thanks giving for the new day and pray for everything to go well, seek special blessings from God to grace them with success in their endeavour.Basically it is stating our day with positivity and focused to do the right things. Our mind set is very important to change the energy, it is not so simple, but practice and see how it works.

Our world as we know it, has been created by our past thoughts. that is why end of this year 2009 I made everyone in my house including myself write all the negative things on a piece of paper and burned it. Every thing perished after burning it. By doing this I felt positive and whenever any negative thoughts creped in I would remind myself that I had burned it. It is important to forget and forgive so that we can move to the unknown future. The circumstances you see in your life today cannot be changed, unless we change what how we are thinking.

It is said that we change our life by changing our attitude, but we cannot change our attitude without first changing the way we think. Our attitude reflects on what we are thinking.

Changing the way we think doesn’t require a lot of work. It takes the same amount of effort to think positively as it does the negative ones.

Look deep into the reality of your life alone, whether or not you're aware of it. Simply, if you really want something and truly believe it's possible, you'll get it. When we focus on a thought, it creates a vibration that travels outwards into the Universe and attracts similar vibrations that manifest as circumstances in our life. Once you learn to control what vibrations you are creating with your thoughts and emotions, it is then possible for you to use these vibrations and attract the things you desire into your life. do not waste the precious time and mind into negative thoughts, you are wasting that precious moment of gift.

In other words, to create positive circumstances for your life and receive the things you truly desire, you must focus on positive thoughts and emotions ALONE.

To start thinking positive you need to search your thoughts and attitudes about life. It’s all about how you approach and think about them. When you come up against an obstacle, do not see it as a road block and give up, or do not use it as a stepping stone and learn to step over it or go around it? There is no short cuts, if you have to climb a mountain then do so but not choose to be negative or positive towards life circumstances?

In every circumstance, there is a positive side, you just have to look for it. But if you look hard enough you will see it peeking through the negative. The more you do this, the easier it is to fine the positive in every situation. As the saying goes…"behind every cloud there is a silver lining". It all comes down to the choice you make in life. You can choose to go through life a miserable and weak, or you can choose to be happy and strong! All you have to do is make a choice!love you my three daughters Nafisa, karishma and kavita


  1. Hello Rabbiya, this is Swasti Chatterjee from The Times of India. Could you share any of your contacts with me? I am keen to speak to you. swastichatter@gmail.com

  2. Hello Rabia Ji ,Feel very bad for your daughter,I'm arshia,would like to talk to you,would be glad if you get back to me at my mail id seamermaid30@gmail.com as soon as possible!
