A new born baby's mind is like a blank sheet of paper.... or in this high tech era like a blank brand new computer that needs a soft ware that already has a memory stick. Our parents are our mentors, gurus, teacher, shrink, counsellors,friends,and partners. They are the first teachers, whom our creator( God) chose for us. They educate us, as we grow within the capacity we can absorb and have the commitment to put our will in all that they teach us. they makes the choice to show the us the world and starts filling our empty mind with ideas, how to explore the world around us. Our rights and wrongs are judged by others and reflects on our parents. what we first learn as a child passes from one generation to the other. "The child who grows into an adult and has the ability to listen to their mentor without doubt and does what they teach them willingly and patiently, sees the light of success". Disobedience is the first step to darkness, it is like a fused light bulb that by default can not function. . They are like the bulb, their brains like switch button, their thoughts are electric wires and their vision like the new light. When the switch is on, the wire transfers its current to the bulb, it lights up the room and in its brightness we see the true path. My advice to everyone is to search for the right mentor but have the eyes to see, maybe its within you or between you and your creator, if not then someone is walking along with the light/torch, follow them... you will find the path or your goal of success. love you all
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