Wednesday, 14 October 2009


Opportunities to do good are usually disguised as hard thing to do, so most people don't recognize them just give a blind eye and a deaf ear. Every oppertunity is like single grain, one by one when put together it becomes a handful of blessings. The best preparation for good deed is to intend. Tomorrow is too late, you should do good work today, Great ideas originate in the muscles, don't forget that good deeds spotlights the character of the person: some people open up their close fist, and some turn their backs, abaove all some don't open their eyes at all to pick the chance to gain the bonus point. It's a shame that the only thing a man can do for 17 hours a day is to think of themselves . He can't eat for hours; he can't drink for hours; he can't make love for eight hours, but he can do for eight second is do a good deed by thought, action, and words.

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