Monday, 19 October 2009


Dream is the language of the subconscious mind. It is the expression of your body, mind and spirit. Every dream signifies something of your real life emotions.........some are prophetic dreams and some are related with your life. The bible says "God spoke to his people in dreams"like Jacobs ladder"but does He speak to us in the same manner now?-well perhaps YES, its how we understand the language and interpret our dream signs. Understanding your dream signs is the key....they all mean something of your emotional side, even they are giving you some guidance, or warn you perhaps help you make important decisions. Cleopatra dreamt that Cesar should not go to "The Sennett" because she saw bad signs in her dream. She understood the language and signs of her dream and warned her husband for not to attend the Sennett. Some times you dream for your loved ones too, even if they are no more in this world. I always dream of my late mother and when ever I dream of her I take the signs and realise that her coming into my dream is indicating my domestic situation good or bad. Another example of my life's experience is once when I was on a cross road and could not make up my mind what decision I should make, so that night I prayed to God to help me with my decision making..i know you all will think this is funny but that night I dreams and got the signs in my dream and next morning when I woke up I did what I felt God meant me to do, there you are I got the guidance and proceeded with my decision. Remember no one can be better judge of your dreams than you yourself. There are people who understand the language and signs of the dream. One thing that I would like to warn everyone is not to reveal your dream to anyone except to the one you can trust. When Joseph in the colorful coat had a dream that all the planets and constellation are bending in a line in front of him.......he spoke to his father of his dream.immediately his father knew that his son is going to be someone big in high rank. he told his son not to speak of his dream to anyone before they throw an evil spell on him. The son did as he was told and few years later Joseph became the minister of Egypt and did dream interpretation for Pharaohs...for more topic on dream write to me and I shall tell you more.

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